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    ISO 21927-7:2017

    Smoke and heat control systems — Part 7: Smoke ducts sections
    • 발행일 : 2017-05-02
    • 발행기관 : ISO
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 ISO/TC 21/SC 11 : Smoke and heat control systems and components

ISO 21927-7:2017 applies to smoke control duct sections placed on the market and intended to operate as part of a pressure differential system or smoke and heat exhaust system. This document specifies requirements and gives reference to the test methods defined for smoke control duct sections and their associated components (for example, hangers and other items proven at the time of testing), which are intended to be installed in such systems in buildings. Furthermore, marking and information on installation and maintenance of these products are also given in this document.

NOTE To avoid duplication, reference is made to a variety of other standards. To this end, this document can be read in conjunction with EN 1366‑8, EN 1366‑9 and ISO 6944‑1, for details of the fire resistance testing and EN 13501‑4 for corresponding classification.

ISO 21927-7:2017 has not considered in detail the detrimental and/or corrosive effects that may be caused by process chemicals present in the atmosphere, which are drawn through the system intentionally or inadvertently.

ISO 21927-7:2017 also governs associated components used together with smoke control duct sections such as turning vanes and silencers, with the exception of natural and powered smoke ventilators and smoke control dampers, which are covered by separate standards.

Ducts for use other than in smoke and heat exhaust/control systems are not covered by this document.

국제분류(ICS)코드 13.220.20 : 방화 장비
페이지수 11
Edition 1


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 21927-7:2017상세보기 Smoke and heat control systems — Part 7: Smoke ducts sections 2017-05-02 표준

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