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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
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ISO 4628-7:2016
Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 7: Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet method- 발행일 : 2016-01-12
- 발행기관 : ISO
분야 | ISO/TC 35/SC 9 : General test methods for paints and varnishes |
적용범위 | ISO 4628-7:2016 specifies a method suitable, in particular, for rating the degree of chalking on white or coloured exterior coatings and coating systems on rough surfaces (i.e. those having a roughness greater than segment 4 of the reference comparator G as described in ISO 8503‑1). The test method specified can also be used for the assessment of the degree of chalking of coatings and coating systems on smooth surfaces, but the method specified in ISO 4628‑6:2011 is preferable for this purpose. The test method is applicable to coatings and coating systems on mineral substrates, e.g. fibre cement, brick, concrete, and renderings, independent of the structure of the surface. The method can be used quite effectively by experienced operators and is recommended for laboratory use as well as for on-site evaluation. NOTE 1 When a reference to this test method is included in specifications, the test conditions (i.e. weathering method and substrate) have to be agreed between the interested parties. NOTE 2 The method described in this part of ISO 4628 is a relative ranking method and is therefore not suitable for use in agreements between parties. See, however, the Note to Table 1. NOTE 3 Refer to ISO 4628‑1 for the designation system for quantity and size of defects and the intensity of changes in appearance of coatings, as well as general principles of the system. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | 87.040 : 페인트 및 니스 |
페이지수 | 5 |
Edition | 2 |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | ISO 4628-7:2016상세보기 | Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 7: Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet method | 2016-01-12 | 표준 |
2 | ISO 4628-7:2003상세보기 | Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 7: Assessment of degree of chalking by velvet method | 2003-09-15 | 구판 |
- ISO 4628-8:2012 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 8: Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe or other artificial defect
- ISO 4628-1:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 1: General introduction and designation system
- ISO 4628-2:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering
- ISO 4628-4:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 4: Assessment of degree of cracking
- ISO 4628-5:2022 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 5: Assessment of degree of flaking
다른 사람이 함께 구입한 상품
- ISO 4628-6:2011 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 6: Assessment of degree of chalking by tape method
- ISO 4628-8:2012 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 8: Assessment of degree of delamination and corrosion around a scribe or other artificial defect
- ISO 4628-1:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 1: General introduction and designation system
- ISO 4628-2:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering
- ISO 4628-3:2016 - Paints and varnishes — Evaluation of degradation of coatings — Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 3: Assessment of degree of rusting
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