해외표준 상세정보
관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
제공형태 더보기-
ISO/TS 15143-3:2020
Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data- 발행일 : 2020-01-29
- 발행기관 : ISO
분야 | ISO/TC 127/SC 3 : Machine characteristics, electrical and electronic systems, operation and maintenance |
적용범위 | This document specifies the communication schema designed to provide mobile machinery status data from a telematics provider's server to customer applications via the Internet. The data is collected from a mobile machine using telematics data-logging equipment and stored on a telematics provider's server. This document describes the communications records used to request data from the server and the responses from the server containing specified data elements to be used in the analysis of machine performance and machine management status related with operation and/or maintenance. It is applicable to self-propelled earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165 and mobile road construction machinery as defined in ISO 22242 equipped with location and time instrumentation. It is not applicable to the on-board data collection, on-board communication protocol (e.g. CANbus) or wireless transmission of the mobile machinery data to the telematics provider's server after the data have been collected at the data logger. See Figure 1. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 |
35.240.99 : 기타 분야에서의 IT 응용
53.100 : 토공기계 |
페이지수 | 68 |
Edition | 2 |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | ISO/TS 15143-3:2020상세보기 | Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data | 2020-01-29 | 표준 |
2 | ISO/TS 15143-3:2016상세보기 | Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 3: Telematics data | 2016-11-28 | 구판 |
- ISO/TS 15143-4 - Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 4: Worksite topographical data
- ISO 15143-1:2010 - Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 1: System architecture
- ISO 15143-2:2010 - Earth-moving machinery and mobile road construction machinery — Worksite data exchange — Part 2: Data dictionary
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