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    ISO/FDIS 13347-4

    Fans — Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory conditions — Part 4: Sound intensity method
    • 발행일 :
    • 발행기관 : ISO
    • [영어]PDF 108,100원

    • [영어]PRINT 108,100원


분야 ISO/TC 117 : Fans

ISO 13347-4:2004 applies to industrial fans as defined in ISO 5801 and ISO 13349. It is limited to the determination of airborne sound emission for the specified set-ups. Vibration is not measured, nor is the sensitivity of airborne sound emission to vibration effects determined.

The sizes of the fan, which can be tested in accordance with ISO 13347-4:2004, are limited only by the practical aspects of the test installations.

ISO 13347-4:2004 determines sound power by using sound intensity measurements on a measurement surface which encloses the sound source. It provides guidelines on the acoustical environment, ambient noise, measurement surface, and number of measurements. The test set-ups are generally designed to represent the physical orientation of a fan installed in accordance with ISO 5801 and also used in ISO 13347-2.

국제분류(ICS)코드 17.140.20 : 기계 및 장비에서 방출되는 소음
23.120 : 통풍기. 팬. 에어컨
페이지수 29
Edition 2


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 13347-4:2004/Cor 1:2006상세보기 2006-11-01 표준
2 ISO 13347-4:2004상세보기 Industrial fans — Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory conditions — Part 4: Sound intensity method 2004-08-17 표준

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