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- 표준번호로 검색 예) KSF4009 또는 F4009 또는 4009
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Specification for differential pressure transmitters with electrical outputs.
Specification for low voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use. Terminal marking and distinctive number. General rules.
Specification for nickel-iron transformer and choke laminations.
Specification for aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power transmission. Aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced.
Specification for line traps for power line carrier systems.
Specification for dimensions of conduit dies, diestocks and guides.
Electrical relays. Specification for test equipment used in endurance tests for electrical relay contacts.
Specification for electromechanical components for electronic equipment: basic testing procedures and measuring methods. Current-carrying capacity tests.
Methods of test for adhesives. Adherends. Adherend preparation.
Specification for advance warning triangle to indicate temporary obstructions.
Specification for spring retaining rings for aerospace application: carbon steel circlips (metric series).
Specification for the romanization of Japanese.
Specification. B.A. screws bolts and nuts.
Methods of measurement of total or effective thickness of thin surface-hardened layers in steel.
Cinematography. 8 mm film. Camera usage. Specification for claw-to-gate distance in 8 mm Type R spool-loading cinematograph equipment.
Cellulosic papers for electrical purposes. Specification for individual materials. Crepe paper.
Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes. Definitions and general requirements.
Specification for mining type flameproof gate-end boxes. Gate-end boxes with air-break circuit-breakers (for use on 3-phase a.c. circuits up to 650 volts).
Method for determination of coefficients of friction of plastic film and sheeting for use as electrical insulation.
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