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Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Weibull statistics for strength data
Intelligent transport systems — Evolved-universal terrestrial radio access network — Part 3: LTE-V2X
Synchronous belt drives — Automotive belts and pulleys
Cosmetics — Sun protection test methods — In vivo determination of sunscreen UVA protection
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Methods of tests for reinforcements — Determination of the tensile properties of resin-impregnated yarns
Pigments and extenders — Dispersion procedure for sedimentation-based particle sizing of suspended pigment or extender with liquid sedimentation methods
Nanotechnologies — Characteristics of working suspensions of nano-objects for in vitro assays to evaluate inherent nano-object toxicity
Health informatics — Categorial structure and data elements for the identification and exchange of immunization data
Washer-disinfectors — Part 1: General requirements, terms and definitions and tests
Polygonal turret interface with flat contact surface — Part 1: Shanks of type F, H and A
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Methods for chemical analysis of metal impurities in silicon dioxide powders using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
Indoor air — Part 3: Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds in indoor and test chamber air — Active sampling method
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Data flow models for blockchain and DLT use cases
Geosynthetics — Determination of the protection efficiency of a geosynthetic against impact damage
Paper and board — Determination of bursting strength after immersion in water
Petroleum products — Determination of thermal oxidation stability of gas turbine fuels
Safety of toys — Part 8: Age determination — First age grade for the appropriate play of toys
Determination of particle size distribution by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods — Part 1: General principles, requirements and guidance
Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications — Part 2: Connectors for respiratory applications
Buildings and civil engineering works — Principles, framework and guidance for resilience design — Part 1: Adaptation to climate change
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