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Wind energy generation systems Part 12-6: Measurement based nacelle transfer function of electricity producing wind turbines
E-Transporters Part 2-1: Safety requirements and test methods for personal e-Transporters
Electricity metering equipment Part 4: Particular requirements – Static meters for DC active energy (class indexes A, B and C);
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 1: General rules
언어 | 제공형태 | 판매가격 | 선택 |
Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
Information technology Premises distribution access network (PDAN) cabling to support deployment of optical broadband networks;
Fibre optic active components and devices – Performance standards Part 3: Modulator-integrated laser diode transmitters for 40-Gbit/s fibre optic transmission systems
Guidelines and qualification schemes Broadband Part 220: Basic principles for line construction specialists fibre optic network technology underground line construction
Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products Part 11: Tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP) in plastics by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
Wind energy generation systems Part 50-3: Use of nacelle-mounted lidars for wind measurements
언어 | 제공형태 | 판매가격 | 선택 |
Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures Part 6-3: Sectional specification set for reinforcement materials – Specification for finished fabric woven from "E" glass for printed boards
Classification of environmental conditions Part 2-6: Environmental conditions appearing in nature – Earthquake vibration and shock
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 103: Alternating current switches for rated voltages above 1 kV up to and including 52 kV
Digital addressable lighting interface Part 104: General requirements – Wireless and alternative wired system components
Alarm systems – Alarm transmission systems and equipment Part 2: Requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT);
Optical fibre cables Part 2-24: Indoor cables – Detail specification for multiple multi-fibre unit cables for use in MPO connector terminated breakout cable assemblies
Guidelines and qualification schemes Broadband Part 208: Fibre optic network technology infrastructure specialist – In-depth module fibre optic network rollout network level 4
Fibre management systems and protective housings to be used in optical fibre communication systems – Product specifications Part 6-1: Unprotected microduct for category S and A;
Electrical energy meters – Test equipment, techniques and procedures Part 1: Stationary meter test units (MTUs)
Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment Part 7: Detail specification for up to 7 ways including PE or FE (data/power) and shield pin, free and fixed circular connectors for balanced single-pair data transmission with current-carrying capacity – Mechanical mating information, pin assignment and
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