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System aspects for remote operation of vehicles. Guide.
Alternative binder systems for lower carbon concrete. Code of practice.
Specification for unfired pressure vessels.
Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders.
Tracked Changes. Non-active surgical implants. Joint replacement implants. Specific requirements for hip-joint replacement implants.
BS ISO 21771-2 Cylindrical involute gears and gear pairs. Part 2: Calculation and measurement of tooth thickness and backlash.
BS EN IEC 60079-46 Explosive atmospheres. Part 46: Equipment assemblies.
Tracked Changes. Non-active surgical implants. Joint replacement implants. Specific requirements for knee-joint replacement implants.
Tracked Changes. Optical fibres. Measurement methods and test procedures. Monitoring of changes in attenuation.
Tracked Changes. Aerospace series. Metallic materials. Rules for drafting and presentation of material standards. Specific rules for steels.
Tracked Changes. Aerospace series. Metallic materials. Rules for drafting and presentation of material standards. Specific rules for heat resisting alloys.
Tracked Changes. Packaging. Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) for non-dangerous goods.
Tracked Changes. Machine tools. Test conditions for bridge-type milling machines. Testing of the accuracy of travelling bridge (gantry-type) machines.
Tracked Changes. Fuel cell technologies. Energy storage systems using fuel cell modules in reverse mode. Test procedures for the performance of power-to-power systems.
Tracked Changes. Aerospace series. Metallic materials. Rules for drafting and presentation of material standards. Specific rules for titanium and titanium alloys.
Tracked Changes. Composite hollow core station post insulators with a.c. voltage greater than 1 000 V and d.c. voltage greater than 1 500 V. Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria.
Tracked Changes. Aerospace series. Metallic materials. Rules for drafting and presentation of material standards. General rules.
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Sector-specific quality management systems. Requirements for product and service supply organizations.
Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators. Test methods.
Tracked Changes. Railway applications. Infrastructure. Flash butt welding of new rails. R200, R220, R260, R260Mn, R320Cr, R350HT, R350LHT, R370CrHT and R400HT grade rails by mobile welding machines at sites other than a fixed plant.
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