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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.
PDF : 직접 파일 다운로드 및 인쇄 (마이페이지 확인)
PRINT : 인쇄본 우편발송, 2~3일 소요(PDF파일 미제공)
Safety technical specification of lithium-ion battery for electric bicycle
Methods for chemical analysis of gypsum
Test method for gloss of ink
Molding products from wood particles
Semiconductor devices—Part 5-5: Optoelectronic devices—Photocouplers
All-glass evacuated solar collector tubes
Coaxial communication cables—Part 1-113:Electrical test methods—Test for attenuation constant
Small craft—Electrically operated bilge pumps
Machine weaving netting for fisheries
Norm of water intake for industry—Part 13: Ethylene and propylene
General specification for infrared imaging measuring and screening instrument of body surface temperature
Reuse of urban recycling water—Water quality standard for industrial uses
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Procedures for testing casing and tubing connections
Household food waste disposers
Aquatic feed—Part 10:Formula feed for tilapia
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