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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스

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    BS 6920-2-2.5:1990

    Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. The extraction of substances that may be of concern to public health.
    • 발행일 : 1990-06-29 (1996-12-15 폐지)
    • 발행기관 : BSI
    • 대체표준 : BS 6920-2.5:1996
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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    • [영어]HARDCOPY 267,600원


적용범위 Environmental health, Potable water, Cytotoxicity tests, Leaching, Water testing, Toxic materials, Precision, Water supply, Materials in contact with food, Non-metals, Testing conditions, Biological analysis and testing, Aqueous extraction methods, Water, Chemical analysis and testing
국제분류(ICS)코드 13.060.20 : 음료수
페이지수 10


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 BS 6920-2-2.5:1990상세보기 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of water. Methods of test. The extraction of substances that may be of concern to public health. 1990-06-29 폐지
2 BS 6920-2-2.5:1988상세보기 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect onthe quality of the water. Methods of test. The extraction of substances that may be of concern to public health. 1988-05-31 폐지

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