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CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4:17 (R2022)
Security for industrial automation and control systems — Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers (Adopted IEC 62443-2-4:2015, first edition, 2015-06) | Sécurité des automatismes industriels et des systèmes de commande — Partie 2- 발행일 : 2017-01-01
- 발행기관 : CSA
분야 | |
적용범위 | This is the first edition of CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4, Security for industrial automation and control systems ? Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers, which is an adoption without modification of the identically titled IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standard 62443-2-4 (first edition, 2015-06).? For brevity, this Standard will be referred to as "CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4" throughout.? This Standard is one in a series of Standards developed by IEC/TC 65 on industrial automation networking security that are being adopted by CSA Group. This Standard specifies requirements for security capabilities for IACS service providers that they can offer to asset owners during the integration and maintenance activities of an Automatic Solution.? This Standard uses terminology and concepts specified in the following:? a) CAN/CSA-IEC/TS 62443-1-1:17, Industrial communication networks ? Network and system security ? Part 1-1: Terminology, concepts and models; and? b) CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-1:17, Industrial communication networks ? Network and system security ? Part 2-1: Establishing an industrial automation and control system security program.? Scope This part of IEC 62443-2-4 specifies requirements for security capabilities for IACS service providers that they can offer to the asset owner during integration and maintenance activities of an Automation Solution.? NOTE 1 The term "Automation Solution" is used as a proper noun (and therefore capitalized) in this part of IEC 62443 to prevent confusion with other uses of this term.? Collectively, the security capabilities offered by an IACS service provider are referred to as its Security Program. In a related specification, IEC 62443-2-1 describes requirements for the Security Management System of the asset owner.? NOTE 2 In general, these security capabilities are policy, procedure, practice and personnel related.? Figure 2 illustrates how the integration and maintenance capabilities relate to the IACS and the control system product that is integrated into the Automation Solution. Some of these capabilities reference security measures defined in IEC 62443-3-3 that the service provider must ensure are supported in the Automation Solution (either included in the control system product or separately added to the Automation Solution).? In Figure 2, the Automation Solution is illustrated to contain a Basic Process Control System (BPCS), optional Safety Instrumented System (SIS), and optional supporting applications, such as advanced control. The dashed boxes indicate that these components are "optional".? NOTE 3 The term "process" in BPCS may apply to a variety of industrial processes, including continuous processes and manufacturing processes.? NOTE 4 Clause 4.1.4 describes profiles and how they can be used by industry groups and other organizations to adapt this International Standard to their specific environments, including environments not based on an IACS.? NOTE 5 Automation Solutions typically have a single control system (product), but they are not restricted to do so. In general, the Automation Solution is the set of hardware and software, independent of product packaging, that is used to control a physical process (e.g. continuous or manufacturing) as defined by the asset owner.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pr?face CSA Ce document constitue la premi?re ?dition de CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4, S?curit? des automatismes industriels et des syst?mes de commande ? Partie 2-4 : Exigences de programme de s?curit? pour les fournisseurs de service IACS. Il s’agit de l’adoption, sans modifications, de la norme IEC (Commission ?lectrotechnique Internationale) 62443-2-4 (premi?re ?dition, 2015-06) qui porte le m?me titre.? Par souci de bri?vet?, tout au long de ce document, il sera appel? ? CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4 ?.? Cette norme fait partie d’une s?rie de normes ?labor?es par l’IEC/TC 65 qui portent sur la s?curit? des r?seaux relatifs aux automatismes industriels et qui sont adopt?es par Groupe CSA. Cette norme sp?cifie les exigences de capacit?s de s?curit? pour les fournisseurs de service IACS qu’ils peuvent proposer aux propri?taires d'actif pendant les activit?s d'int?gration et de maintenance d'une Solution d’Automatisation.? Cette norme utilise la terminologie et les concepts pr?cis?s dans les documents suivants :? a) CAN/CSA-IEC/TS 62443-1-1:17, Industrial communication networks ? Network and system security ? Part 1-1: Terminology, concepts and models; et? b) CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-1:17, R?seaux industriels de communication ? S?curit? dans les r?seaux et les syst?mes ? Partie 2-1 : ?tablissement d’un programme de s?curit? pour les syst?mes d’automatisation et de commande industrielles.? Domaine d’application La pr?sente partie de l'IEC 62443-2-4 sp?cifie les exigences de capacit?s de s?curit? pour les fournisseurs de service IACS qu’ils peuvent proposer au propri?taire d'actif pendant les activit?s d'int?gration et de maintenance d'une Solution d’Automatisation.? NOTE 1 Dans la pr?sente partie de l’IEC 62443, le terme ‘’Solution d’Automatisation’’ est utilis? comme un nom propre (et par cons?quent ?crit en majuscule) pour ?viter toute confusion avec d’autres usages de ce terme.? De mani?re collective, les capacit?s de s?curit? offertes par un fournisseur de service IACS sont appel?es Programme de s?curit?. Une sp?cification associ?e, l'IEC 62443-2-1 d?crit les exigences pour le Syst?me de gestion de s?curit? du propri?taire d'actif.? NOTE 2 En g?n?ral, ces capacit?s de s?curit? sont li?es ? la politique, la proc?dure, la pratique et au personnel.? La Figure 2 repr?sente la relation entre les capacit?s d'int?gration et de maintenance et l'IACS ainsi que le produit de syst?me de commande int?gr? ? la Solution d'Automatisation.? Certaines de ces mesures de s?curit? de r?f?rence en mati?re de capacit?s d?finies dans l’IEC 62443-3-3 que le fournisseur de service doit assurer sont prises en charge dans la Solution d'Automatisation (soit incluses dans le produit de syst?me de commande soit s?par?ment ajout?es ? la Solution d'Automatisation).? La Figure 2 repr?sente la Solution d'Automatisation qui contient un Syst?me de Commande de Processus de Base (BPCS), un Syst?me Equip? pour la S?curit? (SIS) facultatif et des Applications de Prise en Charge facultatives telles que la commande avanc?e. Les cases en pointill?s indiquent que ces composants sont ?facultatifs?.? NOTE 3 Le terme ?processus? dans BPCS peut s’appliquer ? diff?rents processus industriels, y compris les processus continus et les proc?d?s de fabrication.? NOTE 4 L’Article 4.1.4 d?crit les profils et la fa?on dont des groupes industriels et autres organisations peuvent les utiliser pour adapter la pr?sente Norme internationale ? leurs environnements sp?cifiques, y compris les environnements non fond?s sur un IACS.? NOTE 5 En r?gle g?n?rale, les Solutions d'Automatisation disposent d’un seul syst?me de commande (produit), sans toutefois s’y limiter. En g?n?ral, la Solution d'Automatisation comprend l'ensemble des mat?riels et logiciels, ind?pendants de l'emballage du produit, qui est utilis? pour contr?ler un processus physique (continu ou de fabrication, par exemple) tel que d?fini par le propri?taire d’actif. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | |
페이지수 | 217 |
Edition |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | IEC 62443-2-4:2023상세보기 | Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers | 2023-12-15 | 표준 |
2 | IEC 62443-2-4:2015/AMD1:2017상세보기 | Amendment 1 - Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers | 2017-08-24 | 구판 |
3 | IEC 62443-2-4:2015+AMD1:2017 CSV상세보기 | Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers | 2017-08-24 | 구판 |
4 | CAN/CSA-IEC 62443-2-4:17 (R2022)상세보기 | Security for industrial automation and control systems — Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers (Adopted IEC 62443-2-4:2015, first edition, 2015-06) | Sécurité des automatismes industriels et des systèmes de commande — Partie 2 | 2017-01-01 | 표준 |
5 | IEC 62443-2-4:2015/COR1:2015상세보기 | Corrigendum 1 - Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers | 2015-08-21 | 구판 |
6 | IEC 62443-2-4:2015상세보기 | Security for industrial automation and control systems - Part 2-4: Security program requirements for IACS service providers | 2015-06-30 | 구판 |
- IEC PAS 62443-3:2008 - Security for industrial process measurement and control - Network and system security
- IEC TS 62443-1-1:2009 - Industrial communication networks - Network and system security - Part 1-1: Terminology, concepts and models
- IEC TR 62443-3-1:2009 - Industrial communication networks - Network and system security - Part 3-1: Security technologies for industrial automation and control systems
- IEC 62443-3-3:2013 - Industrial communication networks - Network and system security - Part 3-3: System security requirements and security levels
- IEC 62443-3-3:2013/COR1:2014 - Corrigendum 1 - Industrial communication networks - Network and system security - Part 3-3: System security requirements and security levels
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