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    IEC 60605-6:2007

    Equipment reliability testing - Part 6: Tests for the validity and estimation of the constant failure rate and constant failure intensity
    • 발행일 : 2007-05-15
    • 발행기관 : IEC
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 TC 56 : Dependability
적용범위 Specifies procedures to verify the assumption of a constant failure rate or constant failure intensity as defined in IEC 60050(191). These procedures are applicable whenever it is necessary to verify these assumptions. This may be due to a requirement or for the purpose of assessing the behaviour in time of the failure rate or the failure intensity. The major technical changes with respect to the previous edition concern the inclusion of corrected formulae for tests previously included in a corrigendum, and the addition of new methods for the analysis of multiple items.
국제분류(ICS)코드 21.020 : 기계. 기기. 장비의 특성 및 설계
19.020 : 시험 조건 및 절차 일반
03.120.30 : 통계적 방법의 응용
페이지수 85
Edition 3.0


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 IEC 60605-6:2007상세보기 Equipment reliability testing - Part 6: Tests for the validity and estimation of the constant failure rate and constant failure intensity 2007-05-15 표준
2 IEC 60605-6:1997/COR1:2000상세보기 Corrigendum 1 - Equipment reliability testing - Part 6: Tests for the validity of the constant failure rate or constant failure intensity assumptions 2000-12-21 구판
3 IEC 60605-6:1997상세보기 Equipment reliability testing - Part 6: Tests for the validity of the constant failure rate or constant failure intensity assumptions 1997-04-23 구판
4 IEC 60605-6:1986/AMD1:1989/COR1:1989상세보기 Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 1 - Equipment reliability testing - Part 6: Test for the validity of a constant failure rate assumption 1989-12-01 구판
5 IEC 60605-6:1986/AMD1:1989상세보기 Amendment 1 - Equipment reliability testing. Part 6: Test for the validity of a constant failure rate assumption. 1989-08-15 구판
6 IEC 60605-6:1986상세보기 Equipment reliability testing. Part 6: Test for the validity of a constant failure rate assumption. 1986-10-15 구판

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