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    IEC TS 62788-2:2017

    Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 2: Polymeric materials - Frontsheets and backsheets
    • 발행일 : 2017-08-16
    • 발행기관 : IEC
    • 대체표준 : IEC TS 62788-2:2024
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분야 TC 82 : Solar photovoltaic energy systems
적용범위 IEC TS 62788-2:2017(E) defines test methods and datasheet reporting requirements for safety and performance related properties (mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical and chemical) of non-rigid polymeric materials intended for use in terrestrial photovoltaic modules as polymeric frontsheets and backsheets. The test methods define how to characterize backsheet and frontsheet materials and their components in a manner representative of how they will be used in the module, which eventually includes combination with other matched components such as encapsulant or adhesives. The methods described in this document support the safety and performance related tests defined on PV module level as defined in the series IEC 61730 and IEC 61215. This document also defines test methods for assessment of inherent material characteristics of polymeric backsheets and frontsheets or their components.
국제분류(ICS)코드 27.160 : 태양 에너지 공학
페이지수 88
Edition 1.0


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 IEC TS 62788-2:2024상세보기 Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 2: Polymeric materials - Frontsheets and backsheets 2024-07-12 표준
2 IEC TS 62788-2:2017상세보기 Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 2: Polymeric materials - Frontsheets and backsheets 2017-08-16 구판

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