해외표준 상세정보
관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
제공형태 더보기-
ISO/ASTM 51818:2013
Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 and 300 keV- 발행일 : 2013-05-15
- 발행기관 : ISO/ASTM
분야 | ISO/TC 85 : Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection |
적용범위 | ISO/ASTM 51818:2013 covers dosimetric procedures to be followed in installation qualification, operational qualification and performance qualification (IQ, OQ, PQ), and routine processing at electron beam facilities to ensure that the product has been treated with an acceptable range of absorbed doses. Other procedures related to IQ, OQ, PQ, and routine product processing that may influence absorbed dose in the product are also discussed. The electron beam energy range covered in ISO/ASTM 51818:2013 is between 80 and 300 keV, generally referred to as low energy. Dosimetry is only one component of a total quality assurance program for an irradiation facility. Other measures may be required for specific applications such as medical device sterilization and food preservation. ISO/ASTM 51818:2013 is one of a set of standards that provides recommendations for properly implementing and utilizing dosimetry in radiation processing. It is intended to be read in conjunction with ASTM E2232. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | 17.240 : 방사능 측정 |
페이지수 | 13 |
Edition | 3 |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | ISO/ASTM 51818:2020상세보기 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 and 300 keV | 2020-06-30 | 표준 |
2 | ISO/ASTM 51818:2013상세보기 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 and 300 keV | 2013-05-15 | 구판 |
3 | ISO/ASTM 51818:2009상세보기 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 and 300 keV | 2009-07-07 | 구판 |
4 | ISO/ASTM 51818:2002상세보기 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron-beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 keV and 300 keV | 2002-04-18 | 구판 |
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