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    ISO 23551-11:2024

    Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances — Particular requirements — Part 11: Automatic and semi-automatic shut-off valves for operating pressure of above 500 kPa up to and including 6 300 kPa
    • 발행일 : 2024-11-22
    • 발행기관 : ISO
    즐겨찾기 장바구니 담기

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분야 ISO/TC 161 : Controls and protective devices for gas and/or oil

This document specifies safety, constructional and performance requirements and testing of automatic, semi-automatic shut-off valves, and general purpose valves for gas burners, gas appliances and appliances of similar use excluding use in fuel gas infrastructures (transportation and distribution systems).

This document applies to controls for use at maximum operating pressures above 500 kPa up to and including 6 300 kPa with sizes up to DN 250 for use on burners or in appliances using fuel gases, such as natural gas, manufactured gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

This document applies to:

     valves being mounted in gas installations;

     valves directly or indirectly actuated, electrically or by mechanical means;

     valves actuated by hydraulic or pneumatic means, including the pilot valves for these fluids if actuated electrically and including release valves, but not to any external electrical devices for switching the actuating energy;

     valves where the flow rate is controlled by external electrical signals, either in discrete steps or proportional to the applied signal and valves fitted with closed position indicator switches;

     valves to be used in appliances, but not in gas transfer systems outside appliances.

This document covers type testing only.

This document does not apply to valves covered under the scope of ISO 23551-1 or the ISO 23555 series.

국제분류(ICS)코드 27.060.20 : 가스 연료 버너
페이지수 39
Edition 1


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 23551-11:2024상세보기 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances — Particular requirements — Part 11: Automatic and semi-automatic shut-off valves for operating pressure of above 500 kPa up to and including 6 300 kPa 2024-11-22 표준
2 ISO/DIS 23551-11상세보기 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances — Particular requirements — Part 11: Automatic shut-off valves for operating pressure of above 500 kPa up to and including 6 300 kPa 폐지

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