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관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스

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    ISO 10896-8:2024

    Rough-terrain trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 8: Requirements for trucks designed for towing
    • 발행일 : 2024-10-02
    • 발행기관 : ISO
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분야 ISO/TC 110/SC 4 : Rough-terrain trucks

This document specifies safety requirements and verification for rough-terrain variable-reach trucks and slewing rough-terrain variable-reach trucks as defined in ISO 10896-1 and ISO 10896-2 (hereafter referred to as “trucks”) designed for towing trailers or towed equipment or both (hereafter referred to as “towed vehicles”) with a maximum design speed less than or equal to 40 km/h, taking into account the intended use as well as the reasonably foreseeable misuse.

NOTE       Local regulations can apply when trucks are used to tow towed vehicles on public roads.

The significant hazards dealt with in this document are mechanical hazards (see ISO 12100:2010, Table B.1) due to:

    acceleration, deceleration;


    kinetic energy;

    machinery mobility;

    stored energy.

This document is not applicable to trucks intended to tow a towed vehicle equipped with a:

a)    complex electronic control system for braking or electronically-controlled braking system (EBS);

b)    braking system where the braking force applied to one wheel can be different from the braking force applied to the other wheel of the same axle (differential braking system);

c)    braking system where the energy source that provides the energy required to actuate the brakes is a vacuum pump (vacuum braking system);

d)    part of a service braking system which automatically controls the degree of slip, in the direction of rotation of the wheel, on one or more wheels of the towed vehicle or truck during braking (anti-lock braking system or ABS);

e)    additional braking system having the capability to provide and to maintain a braking effect over a long period of time without a significant reduction in performance, including the control device which can comprise a single device or a combination of several devices each of which can have its own control (endurance braking system).

This document does not provide requirements for the towed vehicles themselves.

This document is not applicable to trucks manufactured before the date of its publication.

국제분류(ICS)코드 53.060 : 산업용 트럭
페이지수 21
Edition 1


No. 표준번호 표준명 발행일 상태
1 ISO 10896-8:2024상세보기 Rough-terrain trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 8: Requirements for trucks designed for towing 2024-10-02 표준

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