해외표준 상세정보
관심표준 등록 : 표준업데이트 시 알림서비스
제공형태 더보기-
IEEE White Paper
AUTONOMOUS DRIVING ARCHITECTURE (ADA): Enabling Intelligent, Automated, and Connected Vehicles and Transportation- 발행일 : 2024-09-06
- 발행기관 : IEEE
분야 | |
적용범위 | - Active. As the automotive industry continues its rapid evolution toward autonomy, this document describes a prototypical Autonomous Driving Architecture (ADA) along with a promising application ecosystem. It comprehensively explores fundamental components within ADA, ranging from hardware and software stack layers to regulatory and ethical considerations. Trends and challenges: The document sets the stage by detailing prevailing trends shaping autonomous driving. It navigates challenges encountered in transformation, encompassing safety imperatives, regulatory complexities, cybersecurity concerns, and societal readiness. ADA: A focal point of the discussion, ADA delineates the hierarchical layers comprising hardware, software stack layers, infrastructure, services, and application interfaces. By proscribing their interplay, ADA’s modular and scalable framework will promote the evolution of autonomous driving systems. Applications: Venturing into practical uses, the document explores diverse applications fostered by ADA’s ecosystem, from immersive in-vehicle experiences to revolutionizing mobility. Innovative technologies: At the forefront of innovation, emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication are considered as enablers for autonomous driving and smart cars. Regulatory and ethical considerations: The document navigates the regulatory terrain governing autonomous vehicles, such as safety standards, certification protocols, and legal frameworks. In essence, this document offers a holistic view of ADA and its ecosystem, illuminating its vast potential and the challenges ahead in realizing the vision of autonomous mobility. |
국제분류(ICS)코드 | |
페이지수 | 28 |
Edition |
No. | 표준번호 | 표준명 | 발행일 | 상태 |
1 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Electric Vehicle Charging Systems--Interoperability, Safety, and Testing Considerations | 2024-12-20 | 표준 |
2 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Is Deception in Emulated Empathy Innately Bad? | 2024-12-13 | 표준 |
3 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Hardware Security Attack Landscape and Countermeasures | 2024-11-19 | 표준 |
4 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) Securing Our Digital Futures | 2024-11-19 | 표준 |
5 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Mobile and Transportable Energy Storage Systems: Business Case and Benchmark Analysis | 2024-11-15 | 표준 |
6 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | The Development of The Trusted Digital Identity Industry In Future Networks | 2024-10-30 | 표준 |
7 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | XR Ethics in War, Conflict, and Defense | 2024-10-25 | 표준 |
8 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Simulation, Testing, Verification, and Validation (STV2) of Autonomous Driving | 2024-10-09 | 표준 |
9 | IEEE White paper상세보기 | A Framework for Human Decision-Making Through the Lifecycle of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems in Defense Applications | 2024-10-04 | 표준 |
10 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Low-Latency Communication White Paper | 2024-10-03 | 표준 |
11 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | WEB 3.0: The Evolution of Information-Centric Networks | 2024-09-13 | 표준 |
12 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | AUTONOMOUS DRIVING ARCHITECTURE (ADA): Enabling Intelligent, Automated, and Connected Vehicles and Transportation | 2024-09-06 | 표준 |
13 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Ethics and Empathy-Based Human-AI Partnering: Exploring the Extent to which Cultural Differences Matter When Developing an Ethical Technical Standard | 2024-08-28 | 표준 |
14 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | A Transdisciplinary Framework for Effective and Reliable Continuum of Care | 2024-08-09 | 표준 |
15 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Key Parameters for Identifying Electronic Health Records Without Violating Privacy | 2024-07-16 | 표준 |
16 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | A Guide to Human Rights Impact Assessments for Organizations Involved in the AI Lifecycle | 2024-07-12 | 표준 |
17 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Reconceptualizing The Ethical Guidelines for Mental Health Apps: Values From Feminism, Disability Studies, and Intercultural Ethics | 2024-07-02 | 표준 |
18 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Predictive Maintenance in the Context Of Functional Safety | 2024-06-14 | 표준 |
19 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Meta Issues in Cybersecurity--Law and Cybersecurity | 2024-06-14 | 표준 |
20 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Integrated New Standard for Smart Multimodal Corridors | 2024-05-03 | 표준 |
21 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Asset Identification for Electronic Design IP | 2024-04-05 | 표준 |
22 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | IEEE 802® Networks for Vertical Applications | 2024-04-05 | 표준 |
23 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Understanding An Electronic Health Record System and Its Applicable Data Quality Measures | 2024-03-29 | 표준 |
24 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Position, Posture, and Pose Definitions for 3D Body Processing | 2024-03-27 | 표준 |
25 | IEEE White Paper상세보기 | Discussion on Measurement Test Distance for Determining EIRP or TRP for Active Antenna Systems | 2024-01-31 | 표준 |
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